One of the first things Janis Bryant said to me was, "Wait until you see the possibility." Years later, a fellow artist, Charlie Harris, used to look at my paintings and remark, "I just don't know how you imagine that! I don't have any imagination." I wondered what it would be like to have no imagination. Is that even possible? The other thing Janis said that might have been a great help while I was waiting to see the possibility was to expand and exaggerate. I could do something different from reality. I stared at the object I was drawing or painting until I saw possibilities of extended lines, shadows from different windows, highlights from natural or manufactured light sources, and colors. Oh the colors that I see. Right before Charlie died, he gave me a small painting of Big Bend, a place he had painted previously with mostly tans, blues, grays, and greens. He said, "Look, I did it. I added colors to the desert." He was smiling so big. There is no name on the painting. I think I will call it, "Possibility."
"Carry on in the finest tradition." Charles B. Harris
Wonderful painting. Really do miss sweet Charlie. Thanks for sharing.
A pleasure to tour your artworks. harry.
AND...happy to be able to publish comments. Really appreciate your previous "You're doing it wrong," post. Had hoped to comment on it, by quoting that old say about "Regarding taste, there is no dispute."
Always nice reading... your thought-inspiring writings. harry.
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